In the Jobs section of GeoPal, you can create and assign Jobs ahead of time. For example, you may have a job which needs to be completed every Friday afternoon. This can be configured on the 'Reoccurring Job' page.
To add a new reoccurring job simply click the '+Add' button at the bottom of the screen. This will then display a pop-up box requesting additional information.
You will need to name the reoccurring job for reference and also associate the job to a template, which the user will complete when the job is due. You have the option to add various information in addition including Company and Contact details.
When you have completed this stage select 'Next' you will then be prompted to choose a user to complete the job or if you like you can assign this job to all users and the first to accept the job will complete the job. It is not possible to assign reoccurring jobs to multiple users. If you wish to have the same reoccurring job sent to multiple users then you will need to configure this step for all users.
You can then schedule and set the time in which the job will be assigned. Once complete the final stage will ask you to confirm the details and finish to save. You can view all of your reoccurring jobs from this section and you can also edit or remove jobs if needed.